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Baxter Symposium Session

Tour of Northwestern's Dearborn Oberservatory

Presenters: James Schottelkotte & Nycole Wenner, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University

Session meets at the Allen Center North Lounge, outside the Auditorium.

Registration is required for this session and has closed. 

Join us for a personal tour of the Dearborn Observatory! Dearborn was constructed in 1888 and is home to our 18 1/2 inch refractor, once the largest telescope in the United States. It was used to discover Sirius B, a companion to the brightest star in the night sky. Learn about the Observatory's history, see the dome, and if we're lucky with the weather, we'll look at the sun!

Note: The dome does not have heat or air conditioning so please dress appropriately. Unfortunately, the Dearborn Observatory is NOT ADA-accessible. Two staircases must be climbed to reach the dome.